Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Popular heroes and the cult of celebrity - Harley Davidson

Popular heroes and the cult of celebrity are theories that apply to the topic of Harley Davidson.

Although the Harley Davidson motorcycle is not a person, it does embody the concepts of heroism and celebrity culture. Classical and popular heroes represent action. The Harley Davidson motorcycle evokes the idea of action and the highest ideal of the American culture. The motorcycle owners become members of a community of riders who are loyal to the Harley Davidson brand and to the idea of riding. Harley Davidson owners can expect to attend bike rallies all over the country and meet thousands of owners every year. This creates a bond with fellow Harley riders and ensures that the owners will become people of action.

Harley Davidson has also developed a mystique for the Harley brand. The motorcycle gives the rider an image that many people want, one that conveys the idea of independence, freedom, and rebellion. Harley Davidson is one of the few motorcycle companies that is uniquely American, and it is embedded in the culture. The motorcycle often viewed as an expression of the American culture and the patriotism of its owner. It also represents a vision of its owner independently cruising the American road.

Finally, there is the idea of prestige because the Harley is relatively expensive, and owners give the impression of being affluent and “above the rest.” They, in effect, can become celebrities.   

I learned that how an object can play an important role for people to make them feel like heroes. I even learned that Harley Davidson has a Harley Heroes program.

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