Popular culture refers to products, films, books, music,
sports, or other forms that appeal to the masses. Popular culture appeals to
the senses and emotions rather than the intellect.
For most businesses, knowledge of popular culture helps provide
products and services that will appeal to the masses. Knowing what the general
public will like or be drawn to will help advance the careers of many business
I think Starbucks can be a good example of an artifact of
popular culture. Although Starbucks
started out as a niche market, over the years it has grown to appeal to a much
broader customer base. Starbucks not only sits on the streets of large cities,
but also on the streets of small towns. It
fulfills people need for gathering in a community or social setting. I would
say also that Starbucks has become so much a pop culture icon that even other businesses,
such as McDonald’s offers Starbucks-like drinks with Starbucks-like names (e.g.,
caramel latte).